Tuesday, August 3, 2021

It's Just a Simple Two Hour Trip....


It's just a simple trip, we said - just a little over two hours to Fremont, OH to pick up the Michael Landon Lake Bench Project bronze plaque at Cen-tec Cast Metal Products. We can do that - easy-peasey!

Those of you who are familiar with my Bonanza Movable Men page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/movablemen will know that Little Joe often goes with me (and the other Mike-a-teers, Jessie and Sonya) wherever we wander. For this trip, I thought it should be mini-Mike instead of mini-Joe who had the honor, so he put on a suit and tie and we headed out the door at 9:00 in the morning for Jessie's house where we picked both her and her daughter Melissa up. Sonya had to remain behind to hold the fort (work, in other words!), so Melissa filled in as our third-Mike-a-teer as well as chief photographer, grip and gaffe for this trip.

Everything went well as we tooled out of town (with a stop at Starbucks, of course) and headed east and north and east and north, and east and even further north, headed for Fremont, OH, a small town of around 16,000 up near the lakes.

That was until we hit out first 'road closed' sign. No problem, right? Just have the GPS reroute - which it did and took us right back to the same sign/place.

Oi vey! Really?!

So we tried again - with the same result. The GPS was determined to take us right back where we had been as if there were NO other possible routes to be taken. Undaunted, we pulled up a map of the county and - in true Charles Ingalls' spirit - forged our own path until Siri or Alexa or whatever AI intelligence was out to get us finally yielded to we mere humans and gave us a different route.
Which led directly to another closed road.

Oi vey! REALLY?!!
So, another argument with the Ai, and another victory and then....
A stopped train.

Oi vey! REALLY X3???!!!
The train was moving....VERY slowly..... By this time our two hour trip had turned into a nearly four hour one and the time was ticking away. Soon Cen-tec would close its doors.
That's when we pulled out the stops. Mini-Mike and Sonya got to praying!

The train moved on, finally, and so did we. We were on our way! There was still time to make it....
The next sign read 'bridge closed'.

By this time Mike was getting tired of saying 'Oi vey!' (and so we were we!)
Fortunately, that bridge was NOT one we had to cross and we finally made it to Cent-tec with about an hour to spare!!

Next time - the folks at Cen-tec and the PLAQUE!!

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